No Place To Go

by Paula Stephani When I first moved to the neighborhood adjacent to the Armory property in North Boulder, I was put off by the military presence: the big trucks, the high fence topped with barbed wire, the bright floodlights at night. But I soon began to overlook all...

Save the Castle Rock Prairie Dogs

A billion dollar real-estate developer with a Castle Rock, Colorado town council in its back pocket and a plan for one million square feet of retail space that nobody wants and nobody needs. A beautiful colony of black-tailed prairie dogs who call the mall’s...

Grand Canyon: Howl with ‘Echo’

11.21.14 Kanab, Utah I headed south from the red sandstone bluffs of Kanab, mind racing and full of excitement. We were trying to find relevant information regarding the specific whereabouts of ‘Echo’, who was named by children in a wolf naming contest put on by the...