
A bold enforcement of existing environmental laws is absolutely essential to advancing the interests of the Wild. However, as necessary as agency compliance with existing laws may be, time and time again existing laws prove insufficient in realizing a restoration of the Wild that WLD’s activists, supporters, and members aspire to.

WildLands Defense’s activists and supporters’ on-the-ground presence, extensive experience enforcing existing statutory and regulatory regimes, and the group’s unparalleled conviction provide policy-makers a clear and competent picture of the conditions of our public lands and wildlife communities on the ground as they exist, as well as lend decision-makers the sense of informed urgency as to the need for policy changes into the future.

WildLands Defense’s founders, supporters, and volunteers have experience influencing policy affecting the management of public lands and wildlife in a variety of prominent policy-making venues including:

    Administrative Policy & Oversight
    U.S. Department of Interior, US Fish & Wildlife Service
    U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management
    U.S. Department of Agriculture, US Forest Service
    Idaho Department of Fish & Wildlife
    Idaho Department of Agriculture
    And more. . .
    Legislative Policy & Oversight
    U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies
    U.S. Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources
    U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation
    Government Accountability Office
    Idaho Legislature House & Senate State Affairs Committees
    Idaho Legislature House & Senate Agricultural Affairs Committees
    And more. . .

Contact Wildlands Defense for more information.