WLD February Update

Keeping a keen eye on the the political transition of 2017 View this email in your browser Friends, Things are changing fast for the the wild this year.  The Obama Administration left office, sweeping a blizzard of expensive and damaging “treatment” and energy...
‘Bounty Hunters – A clandestine war on wolves’

‘Bounty Hunters – A clandestine war on wolves’

Journalist Jeremy Miller explores the mentality behind predator and trophy hunting in this fascinating article about the the history of federal governments loophole in the ESA called the McKittrick policy, which has allowed hunter’s to kill endangered species...
Owyhee Initiative Wise Use County Supremacy Collaboration

Owyhee Initiative Wise Use County Supremacy Collaboration

It is only because of the efforts of the Senate Committee head and staffers at the time the Owyhee Initiative legislation was moving in Washington that several really terrible provisions of the Draft OI legislation were removed by the time of its passage in 2009...
Elk Feeding Stations:  A Human Overreach on the Wild

Elk Feeding Stations: A Human Overreach on the Wild

The controversy regarding feeding wintering elk has hit the public eye yet again after wolves were accused of killing 19 elk at a feeding station in Wyoming in March.  Although agencies maintain that wolves were responsible in Wyoming, there are many questions yet to...